How To Make A Difference

Your contribution fuels our mission to inspire and empower others to overcome their “impossible” challenges. By supporting our Kilimanjaro climb, you’re not just aiding in covering the costs associated with this monumental endeavor; you’re investing in a movement that champions courage, community, and living a life marked by adventure and faith. Here’s where your contributions will go:

On-the-Ground Kilimanjaro Costs:

It requires 25 – 30 other climbers to get our adaptive athlete to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Transportation, Lodging, food and most importantly the local porters are required for each member of the team.

Flights to Tanzania:

Team members will be traveling to and from Tanzania for the climb by airplane from the US and Europe.

Training Costs:

Team members will be undertaking essential training to prepare for the Kilimanjaro climb. These will take place at obstacle course races and mountains (i.e. Pikes Peak, CO and Mt. Mitchell, NC) all over the US. These costs will include race fees, park fees, transportation and accommodations.

Gear for the Climb:
All the necessary gear and equipment to enable our team to have a safe and successful climb.
Tips and Community Building Investment:
Our Tanzanian porters depend on the climber’s tips in order to live. We want to multiply the standard tip amount by two or three times to create economic opportunities through their education, healthcare or wherever these resources would make an impact in their communities.
Adaptive Mountain Wheelchair:
Our adaptive athlete, Jeff Harmon, requires a custom-built, all-terrain chair for his size and physical dimensions. At 6’3” and 230 pounds and the specific terrain of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Jeff’s needs are unique from other athletes.
We want to inspire others to take on their impossible by capturing and sharing our story with the world through a documentary film. This will include a public relations and a social media campaign to spread our message far and wide.
Administrative Costs:
Essential legal and administrative fees to operate My Impossible, Inc.
All-terrain Wheelchairs for More Heart Than Scars- Tanzania:
More Heart Than Scars-Tanzania has a vision to help individuals living with seen and unseen disabilities to experience Mt. Kilimanjaro and other adventures in Tanzania. My Impossible, Inc will fund the build and delivery of all-terrain wheelchairs to support this vision.
My Impossible Grants:
Individual and organization grants to support others in achieving their impossible.

Ways to Donate or Become a Sponsor

Donating Made Easy: Choose between directed donations to specific items listed above or non-directed donations allowing us to allocate funds where they’re needed most.

  • Navigate to the “Donate” section : Click the Donate Button
  • Select Your Donation Type: Choose between a directed or non-directed donation.
  • Enter Your Details: Fill in the donation amount and your personal details.
  • Make a Difference: Complete your donation and become part of our journey.

Become a Sponsor

We welcome businesses and organizations to sponsor our project. Sponsors receive recognition across our marketing materials, documentary credits, and more. Contact us directly to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

Together, We Can Achieve the Impossible

Your support is not just a donation; it’s a partnership in a journey of transformation, hope, and community. With every step we take towards the summit of Kilimanjaro, we carry with us the message that living fully alive is possible for everyone, regardless of the challenges we face.